Farmer Boy - Study Guide

Progeny Press

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Grade Range: 4-6

Setting: New York

Genre: Historical, Biographical

Page Count: 56 + Answer Key

Approximate Completion Time: 8-9 weeks

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Second book in the Laura Ingalls Wilder celebrated Little House series, Based on a true story.
Almanzo Wilder is almost nine years old, and is the youngest of four children. He's a farmer boy, living and working on his family's large farm in northern New York state. He goes to school in a one-room schoolhouse when school is in session, but when there's work to be done - and there almost always work to be done on the Wilder farm - Almanzo does his part to help his family make a living. Almanzo's driving desire is earning a colt of his very own! Experiencing the labor as well as the leisure times will teach Almanzo the lessons and rewards of hard work, patience, honesty, loyalty, and prudence.

Continue the series:  #1 Little House in the Big Woods and  #3 Little House on the Prairie

Progeny Press' Farmer Boy English/Language Arts curriculum provides your Elementary School Primary grade student with:

About the Author: Discover the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder and how her experiences growing up on the American frontier shaped her beloved Little House series.
Background Information: Examine the daily life and hard work of family farms, learning about the responsibilities, traditions, and values of early American farm life.
Vocabulary: Strengthen your vocabulary skills through activities that build retention and understanding of key words used throughout the novel.
Literary Techniques:  Analyze the literary devices used by Laura Ingalls to bring her text to life, including synonyms, adjectives, characterization, mood, similes, metaphors, and theme. Develop skills in paraphrasing, using a dictionary and thesaurus, and understanding words in context.
Moral Lessons and Character Values: Discuss life lessons such as the value of family time, patience, hard work, honoring the Sabbath, handling money wisely, loving one another, facing consequences, honoring parents, and upholding truth vs the consequences of seeking revenge. 
Activities and Writing Assignments: Bring Farmer Boy to life with hands-on activities, including farming reports or speeches, mapping, dairy and gardening projects, creative writing, art, cooking, and word games like word searches. Engage in discussions about chores and responsibilities, comparing life then and now.
Suggestions for Further Reading:  Continue exploring the world of Laura Ingalls Wilder with additional books from the Little House series and other novels that capture the spirit of pioneer life and farm living present in The Farmer Boy.

All of Progeny Press' Language Arts unit lessons are written from a Christian worldview!

Features and Benefits of a Progeny Press ELA study guide 

Printed Workbook Format

  • Large 8.5x11 format is convenient to read and easy for Elementary students
  • Every question in our novel unit study has plenty of whitespace for primary school level student answers
  • Encourages neat and clean handwriting practice
  • Easily transports without the need for a laptop or other expensive equipment
  • Provides a permanent record of the Elementary school student’s work
  • Complete, removable answer key included for the teacher to make grading simple!

CD Format

  • Contains the complete study guide in universally compatible PDF format (works on Mac AND Windows)
  • No costly software purchases necessary
  • PDf files open in the FREE Adobe Reader program.
    Note: Mobile devices may require an alternative app that supports and saves fillable form fields and interactive features.
  • Upgraded, fillable form fields allow the student the opportunity to complete their work on the computer, saving you printing costs
  • Conveniently print what you need, when you need it:
    • Print the whole ELA study guide at once
    • Print single literature lessons or pages as the student completes them
    • Print multiple copies of the entire curriculum study guide for classroom sets
  • PDF format makes it easy to use with multiple students
  • Complete answer key PDF file included for the teacher to make grading simple!

Formatted with your Upper Elementary grade student in mind, Progeny Press language arts study guides divide the book into writing assignments and lessons that build and strengthen their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and establishes their critical analysis and writing skills. Each Progeny Press novel study accomplishes all of this without busy work that can drain the fun out of reading and literature! Kids have loved using Progeny Press ELA curriculum in homeschool, co-ops, and private schools around the world for over 30 years!

Book Awards:
ALA Notable Children's Book   •   
Children's Literature Legacy Award Winning author (previously known as the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal)

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Progeny Press
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